
Families with Infants and Children

Family Discussion Groups:

Penn State

FRIDGE Curriculum that facilitates conversation between family members about healthy eating.


Infant Feeding:

American Academy of Pediatrics

Various assets to educate on infant feeding. Includes videos, infographics, tweets, and social media graphics.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Continuing education modules for clinicians. Not appropriate for direct use with Extension classes, but may provide helpful training to educators.

1,000 Days

Information from a non-profit organization helping parents navigate the what, when and how of infant and toddler feeding.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Responsive Feeding materials from the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center with information on how home visitors can help you set your children up for a lifetime of healthy eating.


Nutritional and Feeding Changes from Pregnancy, Infancy, and Childhood:

WIC Works Resource System

Resources for those working with pregnant women and families with infants and young children.


Children with Diabetes:

Michigan State University

This resource helps parents respond to “diabetic burnout” in their kids.


Mixed Topics:

National Institute of Health

Handouts by We Can! that offer tips for parents trying to encourage children toward healthier eating and living habits. Topics cover weight management, reducing screen time, nutrition and healthy eating, and physical activity. Not a full curriculum, but handouts could be used in a variety of settings.